The difference is at this fair they have cattle auctions, rodeo rides, cowboys and shark tanks. Plus all the typical American fair food you can eat. I was very excited to have my first corn dog on a stick.. It was very filling, and not to bad. I had a yard of lemonade. Lemonade here is not carbonated its basically really good lemon juice. I also had my first Funnel cake, Its like a deep fried crispy doughnut covered in powdered sugar and cinnamon. Very nice but to much for one person. I didnt get to have cotton candy but i assume that candy floss as we call it is the same every where. I didnt get kettle corn, which i believe is like our pop corn at home, here you cannot get sweet popcorn, its salty or mixed, sweet and salty YUK! or coverd in plastic butter, double YUK it gave me nightmares the one time i tried it!
My faveroute thing at the fair were the old fashioned photo booths that take four seperate pictures. Ive never done this before with anyone, except Leah Bynoth and the Vessey kids. What i mean is never done it with that special someone, so you can keep it in your wallet. Cheesy i know but ive always wanted to, so we did. They are goofy pics but i love them and they really capture us..
Miss you all X