My memory is rubbish, but ill go through the things that come to mind about 2010. One of the earlist highlights was Madeleine visiting. It was one of the most special times ever. I reconnected with my sister and found a wonderful young women. I miss her alot. The arrival of Madeleine also brought the arrival of a little furry man into my life. Newton came along while Madeleine was here and he has become my little shadow. I will miss him. Two weeks after Madeleine left I had the priviledge of attending Pioneer school and of course it was one of the happiest times of my life. We had yet another arrival shortly after and that was the arrival of our nephew Elliott. We have fallen head over heals for the little man. The final event of 2010 was our trip to London to see friends and Tiffany flew intoo, it was exhausting and amazing. I miss my friends dearly but realized that I love where I am now. I am in love with the mountains and big sky.
We start 2011 of amidst an adventure. We are moving into a small studio, we are excited at the prospect of down sizing and changing out life. I have been laid off work. In fact I found out today. Im a little down but I think that this is a blessing. We have just had our CO Visit and it was one of the best yet. We were all refreshed, our congregation has never felt so close and united as it does now.
Jehovah answers our prayers in ways we do not expect, let me expound. Just this week I made I huge miscalculation with our expenses, One that was about to leave us $300 in the red. (I wish people wouldnt hold on to checks for months at a time) I prayed for a miracle we had no back up and I had payed all the bills. Plus we are moving and that is going to be an expence there is no room for error here. I have been struggling with ministry and Aaron had stated how he had wanted me home more. I saw a way out, a nice little neat package that would sort this out, the house that we are living was due to go to auction today and if it went back to the bank we wouldnt have to pay rent and we would have the money to see us through. Jehovah can do miracles right. I checked the website this morning and the auction was canceled. MMMM how would we cope now. I got ready and went to work.. As soon as I arrived I was called into the office and told that I was being laid off. My manager was very nice about it and had my paycheck in his hand. OOOO money!!! I opened it and it was a little over $300. I wasn't due to get this till the end of the week but I had it now and could bank it immediately. We wouldn't go into the red this week !! Im a little bummed that I have no job, but now I can focus on ministry and my husband. Funny how Jehovah works things out.
The next month will bring big changes for us. New home, new job and new life style.
Im excited to see what this year brings....