Monday, April 26, 2010

Quick Update

Hello all, its been a while I know and I'm sorry. I've been crazy busy with work and ministry and trying to balance everything. Just recently we had our annual pioneer day. memorial and circuit assembly all in one week. It was crazy busy but what a week!

So I'm finally settling into a routine and it feels good. I'm working 3 days a week at the gym doing sales and marketing. I really like it, plus the gym seems to be a good atmosphere for me, I'm finally getting a grip on my weight and I am training twice a week with a personal trainer and then doing 5-6 days on my own at the gym after or before work. I am really enjoying it which is a good thing.

Another bit of good news is that my little sister Madeleine is coming to stay for months. I am so excited. I have lots planned for her and she has work here if she wants it.

Write soon X

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