To go to the show we had to drive to Reno. How can i describe Nevada to you, which is the state that Reno is in?! Well Mark Twain put it best "singed cat" is what he said and its a perfect description. Lots of rock and dessert and the occasional bush brown and gnarly. The gun show was in a huge casino/Hotel like the ones you see on telly in Las Vagas. It was stunning and was like a town in a hotel, there would be no reason to ever leave the hotel, it had its own mall and spa and several restaurants, Bars all over the place. They make it feel special so you want to stay.. I wanted to stay.. well until it started filling up and then you see the kinda people that are drawn to this place and all you wanna do is leave.
So below are some pics of a bar in the casino .. the canino itself. Jerry stood by a sign asking you to not take live arms into the casino. Aaron by the gun he want to buy and that's only gonna happen if he leaves me and becomes and assassin LOL.
keep blogging baby that gun aaron is next to looked like the devils work LOL
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