Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Jobs that I currently hold

Its been a while since I posted last and thats because apart from bouts of sickness and money worries, nothing much has been going on. Apart from my job hunting which is a continuel endevor and seems involve mostly sitting at my computer filling in forms. Its a waste of time, applying for jobs online is futile. This is one point the internet really fails a great way to find jobs but to "get" the job. It has always been hard to make your Resume/Cv stand out from the rest when handing them into a particular job, for the most part though you had the oppurtunity to meet the person hiring you when you handed in you Resume/Cv, there was your opportunity to shine, juggle tell a joke, what ever came to you at that moment. Not anymore. The process couldn't be any less personal, unless of course it was randomly chosen like some lottery draw. Now you fill in a form and attache it to your email and send.

Arrgghhh I cant express my frustration enough.

Needless to say my job hunting hasnt been going to well. More so that the competition is huge everyone is looking for work right now.

So my jobs to date are:

Shabby Chic Furniture - Sold 2 items made $100 ( we cleaned our garage out now I have a work space I can get more done on this end, and its finally getting warmer)

Art Teacher - I have one private student and have advertised classes for children at a Teaching resource shop in town no takers as yet. I have posters around town too.

Janitor at a Gym - I got a job cleaning a Gym 3 night a week, Friday 9.30 -12.30 Saturday 6.30 -10.30 Sunday 6.00 -10.00 its basic wage and humbling but we need the money. I get free Gym membership so does Aaron and free Tanning.. Thats a plus. Its physical work and Im please about that, I was aching the first night as we did 6.5hrs in training.

Artist - Not sold anything yet, but Im hoping to have a exhibition at Starbucks for 3 months and most people sell their work thats on display.

Ill add to this list shortly

Hope everyone is staying positive despite the pressures of this system. Dont forget we are in the final few seconds of this worn out old system and we just have to keep faithful and loyal to the end. Our needs are known. Never has anyone righteous been left entirely. He is not unrighteous as to forget your works.

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