Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New life to an old blog

Inspired once again by my sister in law I am picking up writing a blog I started back in 2009.

Like Myra I have a unique perspective on life in two countries.

It was my father inlaw who suggested this idea to me a few years ago. After he, Aaron and I were in London together he mentioned if it wasn't for me being a native Londoner things would have been very different. He had bumped into a American couple who had spent over $100 that day on public transport buying single fares were ever they went. We had spent $10 each on a card that allowed you unlimited travel. The birth of a great Idea. So I thought I would write about London and life in the UK, how to travel, live and vacation on a budget. It has just taken a while to be consistent.

I would welcome your support, comments, questions and suggestions.



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