Monday, October 29, 2012

I'm pregnant

I have some news. Im 12 weeks Pregnant.!!!!

I found out 3 weeks ago.

I am doing well no sickness, just tired mostly in the afternoons. Hungry every two hours eating small and regularly and well.

As i'm diabetic I am a high risk pregnancy and therefore I have been referred to a perinatal department at Sutter Sacramento which has a high risk unit.

Hopefully everything will be ok, as I am eating really well and keeping blood sugars low.

I have an appointment on the 5th November my first big OBGYN appointment. I should be able to hear the baby's heartbeat.

I found out last Wednesday the 10th when I took at test after I picked Aaron up from work. He was snoozing, I was in the bathroom and the test went positive right away.

I walked over to the bed, tapped him, he took the test, looked at it confused then smiled and kissed me. He is very happy. I couldn't believe it was positive so I took another test at 7pm
while at a friends house, it was positive too. Then i took another one at 6am the next morning it was positive too.

Still unable to believe I was pregnant, I then made a OBGYN appointment on Friday and was given an internal ultra sound.
I asked her "is there a baby in there? she said yes and showed me the heart beat the screen, it was a small fast flicker. she then took a picture and gave me a copy.

I suspected I was pregnant for a month but couldn't believe it. Mostly because I was tired and my body was acting differently.

We told family when we went to the family cabin for the weekend and are now telling friends.

Im due May 15th..

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I hope the baby has your accent!