Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Myra's 101 things that make her happy

I feel very privileged to post my sister inlaws 101 things that make her happy.. lol ( sister inlaw hee hee) miss you lots Myra cant wait to see you soon.

  1. my husband
  2. making people happy
  3. doing things for a friend
  4. surprising people
  5. fresh smelling laundry
  6. clean floors
  7. comfy beds
  8. a good cup of coffee
  9. weekends at the Cabin
  10. family dinners
  11. travel
  12. talking to friends and family back home
  13. hearing experiences
  14. laughing
  15. picture windows with a good view
  16. books
  17. Grandma’s raspberry pie
  18. Mom’s cooking
  19. uninterrupted sleep
  20. happy dogs
  21. good conversation
  22. listening to music, loud
  23. lemonade on a hot day
  24. pizza and beer
  25. watching snow fall
  26. baking cookies
  27. fresh air
  28. sleeping in
  29. lazy days
  30. cool grass between my toes in the summer
  31. hammocks
  32. encouragement
  33. being generous
  34. imagining
  35. thinking about the future
  36. reading books with Jeff before bed
  37. See’s chocolate
  38. cooking
  39. smell of wet dirt
  40. a good burger
  41. air conditioning
  42. kids laughing
  43. hugs
  44. knowing the truth
  45. the whir of the dryer
  46. relaxing after a productive day
  47. hard work when I get to see the pay-off/benefit
  48. cuddly babies
  49. being on time
  50. a nice haircut
  51. a good hair day
  52. doing laundry
  53. going to the grocery store
  54. a sunny corner with a comfy chair
  55. well decorated homes
  56. massages
  57. mani/pedis
  58. how my face feels just after I wash it
  59. nice smelling lotion
  60. true friends
  61. honesty
  62. the ocean
  63. art
  64. being myself
  65. Lysol
  66. soft lighting
  67. people watching
  68. money in my wallet
  69. visitors
  70. waking up to breakfast
  71. quality shampoo/conditioner
  72. quiet times
  73. having plans
  74. feeling understood
  75. knowing my limits
  76. affection
  77. vacations
  78. playing hard
  79. going to the airport
  80. landing safely on a flight
  81. being able to speak Chinese
  82. and for people to understand me
  83. comfortable clothes
  84. uniqueness
  85. making Jeff laugh
  86. helping appreciative people
  87. balanced opinions
  88. having a story read to me
  89. good advice
  90. road trips

  1. staying home on a bad weather day
  2. Madlibs
  3. getting broken things fixed
  4. accomplishment
  5. Thunderstorms
  6. good talks
  7. feeling valued
  8. initiative
  9. a good deal

100. the perfect bag

101. a well wrapped present

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