Tuesday, March 15, 2011

More research to do

I had a wonderful thing happen to me on Sunday. Jehovah answered a prayer and he let me know I can still continue pioneering. I have been struggling with my hours, London In November and my plans for ministry there where sank by storms and extreme tiredness. I had a test done recently that showed my blood sugars have been running high for at least 3 months. Might explain the tiredness I felt while in the UK.

But back to my little miracle. I was about to approach my elders and let them know that I have been having a hard time, ( we have had most of our pioneers come off the list in the last 6 months due to personal circumstances so its been hard being out) He said he was coming to talk to me about that too. In my head I was prepared to accept that I might have to step down and reg aux till I get back on my feet. But our Chairman of the body of elders told me that they knew its been tough and from April the first they want me to have a clean slate. I can start a fresh. No catching up on hours. WOW I was blown away.

In the car on the way home I had a cry. I thanked Jehovah again and again. This was approval from Jehovah, I was so humbled. I know he knows that pioneering is what Ive always wanted to do and I want to do it as long as I can. But at the same time I know I have to be humble enough to know circumstances change and it might not be possible, but as long as he will have me I will make every effort to do my best.

That said I am now on Fast forward to get my daily diet down. I need to get things set so in April, May and for the rest of the year I'm not falling behind because of not looking after myself, Or eating things that make me sick because I was in a rush and didn't make a wise choice.

I have more research to do.

Yesterday I thought I made a wise choice on food, I was following a carb counter book and ate a mini slice of pizza with salad. The effects, within 2 hours I could barely keep my eyes open, not just tired but I had to physically fight to stay awake while I was at work. Even my diabetes specialist does not know why that happened. Im allowed 30-45g of carbs per meal.

Today I took my meds and within 15 mins before I had a chance to eat nausea hit me like a brick wall and I threw it all up. Right now im feeling dizzy.. I need to go to work as I need the money. Aye aye aye. I thought I had a ok breakfast. 1 slice of rye bread with butter, 14g carbs, chicken and A short Latte 8g carbs, but my blood sugar shot through the roof.

Any suggestions welcome.. recipes.. etc


Jessica said...

Like I am some expert, but maybe switching to hard core whole grains would help? Old fashioned oats for breakfast with some milk and blueberries? Sounds weird, but I love raw oats, they take some getting used to, but are so yummy, easy and cheap!

From someone who has so many bizarre reactions to food, I feel your pain. I wish a list would float down from the sky entitled, Hey Dummy, This is the Way to Eat!

Diana Cruz said...

I'm no doctor but a friend of a friend.

I read your blog and my mom has diabetes really a extreme case of too. Her sugars have been as high as the monitor can't measure it so it just says HI. I think that's over 500 or 600. While her lows have been to 40's.

My brother suggested my mother try cinnamon sticks in a small pot of water until it makes a light tea to lower her blood sugar.Believe it or not this worked for her and quickly she has had her sugar go down with this tea. It's cheap, and it worked for my mom.

Unknown said...

Em I really happy that you were able to continue pioneering. I know that it has been hard on you but you will be blessed for your efforts. I pray you both are well.

Stay strong and keep the faith sis.


Charlean said...

Hi Emily... I know you will get all this under control... keep up the good work, and we're all so happy that you can keep pioneering, I always thought I was too old to do more in the ministry, but after working so hard at the K-Hall remodel I now know that I can do more, plus I have a renewed desire to do more in the ministry... love you and your wonderful example... auntie char