Monday, February 20, 2012

New Job

I started a new job two weeks ago.  My cleaning business is starting to take off.  I have more work than I have time for now and will be having to turn work away. Its true what the say, about it pouring, or something!! Im not myself in this post. I have chopped the left tip of my thumb off and still a little traumatized.  Pictures coming!

My new job is in  private home.  The home is immaculate and organized to such a standard Martha Stewart would be impressed.  Its a family with twin 2 year old girls. The home is pretty minimalist so not lots of stuff to dust which is nice.  I like cleaning it becuase its a well taken care of home and they like to keep it that way.  Think bethel and the housekeepers going in every day to keep the cleanliness up, that's what I do, plus laundry and then I cook one day week. 

Each of my jobs are a little different and I try to do a little something extra and creative to make it fun for me and special for the client.  One home I do a different table arrangement/setting every week. ( I am getting a digital camera in the post so I will be able to take picture now)  The table is right as you walk into the house so I like it to make an impact when you first walk in.

The home I am at now I have started doing toilet roll origami and about to do towel folding for them.  On a Thursday, which is my last day with them I detail the bathrooms, in the master bedroom I will arrange swans for them.  I have some books on order so I can improve in my skill level.

This the basic diamond fold I have been doing

This is my first attempt at a swan at my home.

I have been inspired to be more organized in my own home and have de cluttered this weekend, I'm pretty worn out if I'm honest. We also have some DIY projects coming up.  Details in a later post.

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