Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Im hurting

Well I pushed myself! I went on the run this morning. I did a little stretching and although my calf felt better I was still wondering how it would fair this morning. A big part of me did not want to go this morning but I always put that down to my inherent lazy nature, or procrastination which I'm so skilled at.

I got dressed, picked up newt and met Claudia, we had a friend Join us and hopefuly will continue to join us, Lisa our newest recruit who annoyingly handled the run with ease lol. So we start to run and the first 3 minutes were fine, I breathed well and didnt feel too bad, the second 3 minutes where a little harder but I managed and then the third 3 minutes my wall, I was dying, I had gotten to that point were I pushing myself so hard, I could see I needed to go just a little further my body was screaming out stop I cant please stop, then it happened, I cried out in pain, something in my left calf muscle snapped like someone letting go of a rubber band. I heard the snap and the pain seared through my calf.. I was so mad.. I told the others to keep going, while I rubbed my leg and hope this would just go away.. I hated not running with them, as they passed me on their final leg. Something inside me told me to not do this, to rest but thinking I was being lazy I ignored it.

I'm worried now I have done some thing that could take weeks to heal, I've been reading articles about calf muscle tears and if that's the case if there is any tear even a tiny one I'm out of the game for up to 3 weeks.. all the work I have done!!! To have to stop running for that long is terrible blow. Ill have to start all over maybe.
I'm going to speak to the personal trainer at work today and get his opinion. Hopefully it just seized and needs a couple of days with some gentle stretching and ill be back running.

I felt overwhelmed with all the things I had to do today. One by one they all cleared themselves. My early morning people canceled, and then my leg went and I cleared the rest of the morning. I'm going to work and I'll be giving my talk tonight but otherwise I'm resting my leg.

Another pearl of Wisdom . Always stretch and rest on rest day

I might just write a book called mistakes newbies make while running.. and fill it with mine. Like an idiots guide to running.

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