Saturday, October 9, 2010

Triupmhs and Errors - Learn from my mistakes

Today, Saturday we didn't do our scheduled run. I admit when I got the text that Claudia couldn't make our morning run I was relived. There was no pretense of the idea that I would go run on my own at 6.30am. So I would get to lay in, awesome. I loved every minute that I got to lay in, I did forget to turn my alarm off so at 6am it summoned me, with glee I picked it up pressed dismiss and turned over with a smile on my face.

By 5pm though I was feeling ugh! I had eaten a jacket potato with left over bolognaise and some chocolate squares. I had been sitting in front of my computer and taken a nap today. I was feeling like a couch potato. The urge to run pulsed within me. I needed to get out and do something. I felt heavy and was starting to feel my mood darkening. But I was on my own.. could I do this. I got up and lay on my bed thinking about running,pictured my self running, the more I wanted to go out and run.. I asked my husband if he would like to walk the dogs while I ran, but he had a tough day and didn't feel like joining me. Annoyed I channeled my emotions got dressed and drove to the trail.

One of the things I like about early morning running is that no one is around apart from other runners or walkers, and we cheerily nod and say good morning and carry on. Today kids were hanging out playing loud music from their cars, or sitting on the embankment of the stream the runs along the trail. It was a busy Saturday afternoon. However the trail itself wasnt overly busy. I also know that on my own I do not push myself. But I prayed for the strength to do this and set my stop watch for my first 2 mins.

No sooner had I run for a few seconds then I knew this was going to be harder then I first thought. No less then 2 hours ago I had ingested a rather ample portion of potato and yummy bolognaise. This had not fully digested and felt like lead in my stomach. I lasted 1min13sec before I stopped and looked at the stop watch arghhh I was annoyed but I was out of breath and this was not comfortable at all.. OK I thought keep going walk to the end of the trail and lets try again. Did I mention that's its rather a warm day today too. Oh and I have just started my period hence the consumption of chocolate. I made it to my marker and started running again, this time I made 1min27sec before I stopped. Now another issue had arisen all this movement had started a movement of its own, I needed the restroom.

One more time I thought I have to try this one more time before I head back. Plus I cant go home this soon what would my husband think..Some kind of runner you are, so pride pushing me and pure stubbornness I turned round and started to run again.. this time I only lasted 45 sec. I was now in physical pain I needed to go to the restroom and NOW. I turned round and started running again this time out of pure necessity, my bowls were about to explode in public this was not something I was prepared for. I leaped into my truck and drove home at a speed only rally cars drive at. I carefully got out the car and sped walked into the house and into my private bathroom.. ahhhhhhh ..

Well at least I know longer feel full of food I managed to move it all around and get rid of some!

I would like to pass on a pearl of wisdom here to those who for some reason hadn't figured this out, Do Not Run After Eating Large Amounts of Food! This can lead to personal and public humiliation. Plus you just cant run when you have food inside you. = My Error

On the plus side, I wanted to run, I actually went on my own and attempted to run and did run. I didn't successfully complete my schedule but I'm going to put that down to the mistake of running after eating and not down to my personal lack of motivation when on my own. Not this time anyway.

Im going to jump into the shower and reward myself with a cold glass of water..

On a personal note, even though I didnt reach my running schedule today, just going out and doing what I did has changed my mood, made my body feel good and generally given me a sense of personal accomplishment that you can beat. Small steps they may be but at least I'm moving forward and it feels great.

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