Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Treasure Hunt at the Cabin

This was my first Treasure Hunt with the family. The family consists of Dinsdales and Perrys. The Cabin is Grandma & Grandpa Perry's (Granpa Perry passed away a few years ago) Its a very special place for all the family. They grew up taking holidays there and have fond memories OF Grandpa there. Grandma and Granpa bulit the cabin. When the children came into the truth and no longer celebrated Christmass and birthdays they came up with the Treasure hunt idea so that th the family could give gifts and include the Grandparents. Happily Grandma & Grandpa Perry both came into the truth getting baptised in their 70s. Treasure Hunt still continues..hee he


Cabin 2 were we all stayed except for the treasure hunt organizers, Brem her husband Isaac, Myra and her husband Jeff. They did an amazing job. It was very professional. The clues took us all around the cabin and the surrounding area were they used to play as children.

Breakfast at the cabin is a family affair. Myra did the beautiful table arrangement.

Isaac and his Tadcaster Beer, its from England, N yorks. Never heard of it but they like their beer.

Isaac and Brem made this version of Monopoly. They themed it for the family. Its very cool..

Card games are a must at the cabin and very fun this is a competive game of solitaire!!

We all had to wear these huge glasses.. this is the result..

We all had Treasure chest on our beds with chocolate money in .. Nice touch guys.

Reading the scripture clues which took you to your next location. Brem and Issac.

At the end of your trial you would find a hat, which you had to wear on each hat was a number or letter. It turned out that all the hats together was one last clue..!! arnt they clever!

One of the clues hidden..

Lunch break.. half way through the treasure hunt we had lunch at cabin 1 ...

Brem and Myra in thier princess hats. They were the organisers of the superb treasure hunt.. They have a talent!

Grandma, Wendy (Aarons mum) and I in our princess hats.

Grandma put her sun hat on then her princess hat and it gave her a completly new look.. It was 100degree weather.. phew!

Our hats spelt a scripture in Daniel..See how great the guys look in thier elf hats lol

The truck ride from cabin 2 to cabin one at the end of the Treasure Hunt.

For all our hard work.. PRESSY's YEY

Thanks to Brem, Isaac, Myra & Jeff for the hard work they put into the Treasure Hunt. Thanks to Grandma for a great weekend at the Cabin and to everyone for the food and fun i had..


1 comment:

Charlean said...

wow, that looks like you all had a great time.... what a cool family thing to do... the pictures are great.. good job... I'm glad you all had such a good time..