Tuesday, November 29, 2011

More from "Simple Abundance" the book I am reading.

Is it Recession or Depression?

It is a recession when your neighbor losses this job, and it’s a depression when you lose your own.  It is
Very easy to surrender to an emotional depression when a financial one occurs. Its easy to be pessimistic about tomorrow when today seems so bleak.  You have  to learn to be optimistic. Be reassured, Optimism, can be learned.  Start today with a little experiment. Smile at everyone you meet.  Today expect something good will happen to you no matter what occurred yesterday.   Realize the past no longer holds you captive.  A simple abundant world awaits.

It is easy to be independent when you have money.  But to be independent when you haven’t got a thing  -  that’s the  test.  The simpler we make our lives the more abundant they become. 

The eyes of my eyes have been opened.  If you give your very best, the very best will come back to you. 
Start giving thanks for everything.  Daises in a jar on the windowsill, the first sip of tea in the morning, reading the newspaper over breakfast with my husband, hearing the words “I love you sweet pea” before I fall asleep each night”.  Each offer authentic moments of pleasure and contentment, but only when you notice and appreciate each little gifts every day can offer.

Stop what you are doing and ask your self, are you basic needs met?  Do you have a home? Food on the table? Do you have your health? Can you talk, walk, see the beauty that surrounds you, listen to music that stirs the soul or makes you want to dance?  Do you have family and friends that you love and love you back?

Then pause for a moment and give thanks.  Accept that  financial security doesn’t exist, money never brought contentment.  But inner contentment and serenity are achievable. 

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough and more.  It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into  friend. -  Melody Beattie

Go out and select the prettiest, most inviting journal you can find.  Today you will start a Daily Gratitude journal.  Each night before you go to bed write at least 5 things that you can be grateful about that day.  Sometimes your list will include amazing things, most days simple joys.  Other days -  rough ones - you might think you don’t have much to be grateful for write down the things you do have, your health, husband, wife, child, your home, friends and a comfortable bed. 

The recurring knowledge of what is working in out lives can help us not only survive but surmount difficulties.  As you focus on the abundance rather than the lack in your life, you will be designing a wonderful new blueprint for the future.  Gratitude is the hearts memory.

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