Sunday, January 15, 2012

Update on Juicing

Aaron and I enjoying this so much we want to incorporate this into our lives on a long term basis. We want to always be juicing. To make this more of a long term part of our lives and not just counting down till we can eat again, we have decided to eat vegan in the evenings, if we want to. We can still have juice but if we want whole foods in the evening then its ok.

We are staying away from meat, and sugar completely for the the two months and hopefully for ever as part of our regular diet, purely for health reasons. We love meat and sugar and who doesn't want to indulge once in a while but as part of our every eating habits they will be gone.

We are still juicing at least 2-3 times a day. Its such a simple clean way of eating. I feel great, Aaron has more energy and now all the cravings are gone its not so hard.

We will be trying out new recipes this week with juicing too.

Aarons Fiery fiesta Juice


We had this yesterday it was hard to get down as it was so spicy but it was ok


Jessica said...

Here are some really good and inspiring books to read if you want to try going vegan:

The China Study
The Engine 2 Diet
The Omnivore's Dilemma and any book by Michael Pollan
21 Day Vegan Kickstart

Your food bill will go down, even if you are buying organic. Vegan food is so much cheaper. Just don't eat the fake vegan stuff with soy protein isolate, very nasty, not healthy stuff. Garden Burgers rock, so do the vegan burgers from Costco.

knitterbeal said...

Sounds like a balanced new way of living. Can't wait to make you some good and vegan!